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Kubernetes Management

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Kubernetes Management

Our Kubernetes consulting services empower organizations to harness the full potential of Kubernetes. Whether you’re beginning your Kubernetes journey or enhancing an existing setup, our consultants offer the expertise and guidance to help you succeed.

At swissns GmbH, our experienced team of Kubernetes consultants, architects, and engineers is ready to design, implement, and support your security infrastructure. Our goal is to help you achieve operational and security objectives more quickly and with reduced risk. By leveraging Kubernetes, we help you capitalize on the strengths of containerized architectures while avoiding common pitfalls.

At swissns GmbH, we deliver end-to-end managed Kubernetes services, empowering organizations to seamlessly deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications. Our team of experts ensures your Kubernetes infrastructure is optimized, secure, and fully managed, allowing you to concentrate on your development goals.


Our Managed Kubernetes Solutions

Our Kubernetes consulting services empower organizations to harness the full potential of Kubernetes. Whether you're beginning your Kubernetes journey or enhancing an existing setup, our consultants offer the expertise and guidance to help you succeed.

Strategy and Planning

Initial Infrastructure Assessment

We evaluate your current setup to determine how Kubernetes can meet your needs.

Strategic Development

Collaborating with your team to create a Kubernetes adoption strategy, including tool and platform selection.

Roadmap Creation

Developing a detailed implementation plan with clear milestones and goals..

Security and Compliance

01. Security Assessment

Thoroughly assessing your Kubernetes environment to identify vulnerabilities.

02. Compliance Support

Ensuring your setup meets industry standards like HIPAA or GDPR.

03. Implementing Best Practices

Applying security best practices, including RBAC and network policies.

Cluster Optimization

Tuning your cluster for optimal performance and resource use.

Application Enhancement

Working with your developers to optimize applications for Kubernetes.

Continuous Improvement

Implementing ongoing monitoring and improvement processes.

Architecture Design

Architecture Review

Assessing your current architecture and suggesting improvements for Kubernetes deployment.

Planning for Scalability

Designing an architecture that scales with your business and future growth.

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Strategies

Crafting strategies for running Kubernetes across multiple clouds or hybrid environments..

Performance Optimization

Performance Optimization


Cluster Optimization

Tuning your Kubernetes cluster for optimal performance and resource use.

Application Enhancement

Working with your developers to optimize applications for Kubernetes.

Continuous Improvement

Implementing ongoing monitoring and improvement processes.

What is Kubernetes?

This is a fundamental question about Kubernetes, often asked in interviews due to its significance. Kubernetes is an open-source platform designed for container orchestration. It automates various tasks related to the management, monitoring, scaling, and deployment of containerized applications. Kubernetes facilitates the handling of multiple containers by grouping them into logical units that can be easily discovered and managed.

What does orchestration mean in the context of software and DevOps?

Orchestration involves coordinating multiple services to automate workflows or synchronize data efficiently. For instance, if an application relies on six or seven microservices, placing them in separate containers might lead to communication challenges. Orchestration addresses this by ensuring all these services within their respective containers work together seamlessly to achieve a common objective.

How are Kubernetes and Docker interconnected?

This is a common Kubernetes interview question where interviewers may also inquire about your practical experience with these technologies. Docker is an open-source platform used for software development. It packages all the dependencies and settings required for an application into a container, offering portability and other benefits. Kubernetes, on the other hand, orchestrates and links multiple containers, running across different hosts, which have been created using Docker.

What distinguishes deploying applications on hosts from deploying them in containers?

Deploying applications on hosts typically involves an architecture that includes an operating system with a kernel and various libraries necessary for the application. In contrast, a container host refers to the system that runs containerized processes in isolation from other applications. Each container contains all the necessary libraries and binaries, ensuring they operate independently and without interference with other applications.

What are the key features of Kubernetes?

  • Kubernetes provides users with control over where the server hosts containers and manages how they are launched, automating many manual tasks.
  • It can manage multiple clusters simultaneously and offers additional services such as container management, security, networking, and storage.
  • Kubernetes also self-monitors the health of nodes and containers.
  • Furthermore, it enables users to scale resources both vertically and horizontally with ease and speed.

What are the benefits of using Kubernetes?

1. Cost savings through container orchestration
2. Enhanced DevOps efficiency, especially in microservices architecture
3. Ability to deploy workloads across multiple cloud environments
4. Greater portability with reduced risk of vendor lock-in
5. Automated deployment and scalability
6. Improved application stability and availability in cloud environments
7. Advantages of being an open-source solution.

Why Choose Our Consulting Services?

Industry Expertise

Our seasoned consultants have deep knowledge of Kubernetes and container orchestration.


Tailored Solutions

We offer consulting services customized to your technical and business needs.


Proven Success

We have a strong track record of helping organizations adopt and optimize Kubernetes.


Ongoing Support

We provide continuous support and advisory services to maintain an efficient and secure Kubernetes environment.