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Kubernetes is an excellent platform for container orchestration, but like any system, it requires a robust backup strategy. Whether your Kubernetes clusters are running on-premises or in the cloud, ensuring that both the cluster configuration and persistent data are safely backed up is critical. In this post, we’ll cover the best practices for backing up your Kubernetes clusters, including persistent storage, and explore solutions for both on-premises and cloud environments.

1. Understand Your Backup Needs

Before diving into specific tools and strategies, it’s essential to understand the components of your Kubernetes cluster that need to be backed up:

  • Cluster Configuration: This includes the state of the cluster, Kubernetes objects (Deployments, Services, ConfigMaps, Secrets), and custom resources.
  • Persistent Storage: Data stored in Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) used by stateful applications.

2. Choose the Right Backup Tool

There are several tools available that can help automate and manage Kubernetes backups. The right choice will depend on your environment, whether it’s on-premises or in the cloud.

  • Velero: A popular open-source tool that provides backup, restore, and disaster recovery for Kubernetes clusters. It supports both on-premises and cloud-based storage.
  • Kasten K10: A comprehensive data management platform that offers backup, disaster recovery, and application mobility for Kubernetes. It’s particularly useful for large-scale, cloud-native applications.
  • Rook/Ceph: If you’re using Ceph for storage in your Kubernetes cluster, Rook can help manage and backup data efficiently.

3. Backup Cluster State

The cluster state includes the configuration of the cluster itself. Here’s how to approach backing up these elements:

  • ETCD Backup: Kubernetes uses etcd as its key-value store for all cluster data. Regularly back up etcd, which can be done using etcdctl or through automated tools like Velero. For highly available clusters, ensure that the etcd data is consistent across all nodes before backup.
    ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl snapshot save /path/to/backup.db
  • Kubernetes Manifests: Store your Kubernetes manifests in a version control system (e.g., Git). This makes it easy to restore the cluster configuration and roll back changes if needed.

4. Backup Persistent Storage

Backing up persistent storage is often more complex due to the stateful nature of the data. Here’s how to manage it:

  • Volume Snapshots: Use the Kubernetes VolumeSnapshot feature, which allows you to take snapshots of PVCs. This is supported by cloud providers (like AWS EBS, GCP PD, and Azure Disk) and some on-premises storage solutions.
  • Application-Aware Backups: For databases and other stateful applications, ensure that the backup process is application-aware. Tools like Velero can quiesce the application (i.e., pause operations) to ensure consistent backups.
  • Offsite Backups: Whether using on-premises storage or cloud storage, always ensure that you have offsite backups. This protects against data loss in case of a total site failure.

5. Automate and Monitor Your Backups

Manual backups are prone to errors and can be easily forgotten. Automation is key:

  • Scheduled Backups: Use tools that allow you to schedule backups at regular intervals. Velero and Kasten K10, for instance, support scheduled backups.
  • Monitoring and Alerts: Implement monitoring to verify that backups are successful. Set up alerts for failed backups or if the backup size is significantly different from expected, which could indicate an issue.

6. Regularly Test Your Backups

Having backups is one thing; ensuring they can be restored is another. Regularly test your backup and restore processes:

  • Simulate Disaster Recovery: Periodically simulate a disaster recovery scenario to verify that your backup strategy works as expected.
  • Restore to a Separate Environment: Test restoring your cluster and data to a separate environment. This ensures you’re prepared in the event of an actual failure.

7. Security Considerations

Backup data often contains sensitive information, so securing your backups is crucial:

  • Encryption: Ensure that backups, especially those stored offsite or in the cloud, are encrypted both at rest and in transit.
  • Access Controls: Implement strict access controls to backup storage. Only authorized personnel and systems should be able to create or restore backups.

8. Documentation and Versioning

Document your backup strategy and keep it updated. Version control all scripts and configuration files related to backups:

  • Versioned Backups: Maintain versioned backups so you can restore from a specific point in time if needed.
  • Documentation: Include clear, step-by-step instructions for backup and restore procedures. This ensures that anyone on your team can perform these tasks when necessary.


Backing up a Kubernetes cluster, including its persistent storage, is essential for maintaining data integrity and ensuring quick recovery from failures. By understanding your backup needs, choosing the right tools, automating the process, and regularly testing your backups, you can create a robust backup strategy that works for both on-premises and cloud environments. Remember, the best backup strategy is one that’s reliable, tested, and easy to restore from in case of disaster.