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Cloud computing has revolutionized how businesses deploy and manage IT infrastructure. OpenStack, one of the most popular open-source cloud computing platforms, provides a robust and flexible framework for creating and managing both public and private clouds. In this post, we’ll explore what OpenStack is, how it works, and how you can set it up in your environment.

What is OpenStack?

OpenStack is an open-source platform designed to manage and control large pools of computing, storage, and networking resources in a data center. These resources are managed through a web-based dashboard, command-line tools, or RESTful APIs, giving administrators and users a unified platform to build and manage cloud services.

Key Components of OpenStack

OpenStack is composed of several interrelated projects that work together to provide a complete cloud infrastructure solution:

  1. Nova (Compute): Manages and provisions virtual machines and computing instances.
  2. Neutron (Networking): Provides networking as a service, allowing users to create and manage networks.
  3. Cinder (Block Storage): Manages block storage volumes that can be attached to compute instances.
  4. Swift (Object Storage): Provides scalable and redundant storage for unstructured data.
  5. Glance (Image Service): Stores and retrieves virtual machine disk images.
  6. Keystone (Identity Service): Handles authentication and authorization for all OpenStack services.
  7. Horizon (Dashboard): The web-based user interface for interacting with OpenStack services.
  8. Heat (Orchestration): Automates the deployment of infrastructure via templates.
  9. Ceilometer (Telemetry): Provides metering and monitoring services.

How Does OpenStack Work?

OpenStack operates by abstracting the physical hardware in a data center and offering it as a set of modular services that users can consume on demand. Here’s a simplified view of how it works:

  1. Resource Pooling: OpenStack aggregates compute, storage, and networking resources from the physical infrastructure into a shared pool.
  2. Service Interaction: Each component (e.g., Nova for compute, Neutron for networking) provides specific services. These services interact with each other through APIs.
  3. Tenant Isolation: OpenStack allows multiple tenants (users, projects, or organizations) to share the infrastructure securely. Each tenant’s resources are isolated from others.
  4. Elastic Scalability: Resources can be dynamically allocated based on demand, enabling horizontal scaling.
  5. Management Interface: Administrators manage resources via the Horizon dashboard or through command-line interfaces (CLI) and APIs.

Setting Up OpenStack

Setting up OpenStack can be complex due to its modular architecture and various dependencies. Below is a step-by-step guide to setting up a basic OpenStack environment.

Step 1: Environment Preparation

Before installing OpenStack, ensure that your environment meets the following prerequisites:

  1. Hardware Requirements:
    • Minimum 8 GB of RAM, 4 CPUs, and 80 GB of disk space for a basic setup.
    • A dedicated network for management, storage, and VM traffic.
  2. Operating System:
    • Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS or CentOS 8 Stream is recommended.
  3. Network Configuration:
    • Ensure proper network segmentation and IP addressing.

Step 2: Installing OpenStack

You can install OpenStack using various methods. The most common ones are using DevStack for development environments or Packstack and Kolla Ansible for production environments.

Option 1: Install OpenStack with DevStack (For Development and Testing)

DevStack is a script that quickly brings up an OpenStack environment for testing and development.

  1. Clone DevStack Repository:
    git clone
    cd devstack
  2. Create a Local Configuration File: Create a local.conf file to specify installation preferences:
    cat <<EOL > local.conf
    [[local|localrc]] ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin

  3. Run the Installation: Start the installation process by running the script:
  4. Access the Horizon Dashboard: Once the installation is complete, access the OpenStack dashboard by navigating to http://<your-ip>:5000 in a web browser.
Option 2: Install OpenStack with Packstack (For Production)

Packstack automates the deployment of OpenStack on CentOS and RHEL systems.

  1. Install Packstack:
    sudo dnf install -y openstack-packstack
  2. Generate and Modify Answer File: Generate an answer file to customize the installation:
    packstack --gen-answer-file=answer.txt

    Modify the answer.txt file to match your environment, setting parameters like network interfaces and service configuration.

  3. Run Packstack: Start the installation using the modified answer file:
    packstack --answer-file=answer.txt
  4. Access the Horizon Dashboard: After the installation completes, access the dashboard using the IP address of the OpenStack controller node.
Option 3: Install OpenStack with Kolla Ansible (For Production and Containerized Environments)

Kolla Ansible is used for deploying OpenStack in production environments using Docker containers.

  1. Install Dependencies:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y python3-dev libffi-dev gcc libssl-dev
    sudo apt install -y docker-compose
    sudo apt install -y ansible
  2. Clone Kolla-Ansible Repository:
    git clone
    cd kolla-ansible
  3. Install Kolla-Ansible:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    sudo pip install .
  4. Generate Configuration Files:
    kolla-ansible genconfig

    Modify the generated files in /etc/kolla as per your requirements.

  5. Deploy OpenStack:
    kolla-ansible -i /path/to/your/inventory deploy
  6. Access the Horizon Dashboard: Once deployed, access the Horizon dashboard via the controller node’s IP.


OpenStack is a powerful and flexible platform for building private and public clouds. While setting it up can be challenging, understanding its core components and how they work together can simplify the process. Whether you’re using it for development, testing, or production, OpenStack provides the tools you need to manage a cloud infrastructure effectively.